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Showing posts from December, 2015

Sticks and Stones - Part 1

Sticks and Stones - Breaking the Cycle of  Word Curses and Generational Curses. Growing up I was taught "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me." Some of you can relate. As I became an adult I realize that such declaration was a lie from the pit of hell. I have never broken a bone but I have been hit with sticks, stones and even suffered some sporting injuries; when I look at, touch or remember the time when I got the scars from the incidents and accidents I don't cringe or feel any pain. On the other hand when I remember what someone said to me which hurt me, if I haven't forgiven the person or haven't been healed of the hurt I would experience the same emotion(s) at that moment as I did when it just happened.  So I know for a fact that words do hurt whether we intend for them to hurt or not.   The Bible states in Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." The words we speak brings life or death. When we...