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Showing posts from April, 2017

Never Look on Your Limitations

Stay focus on your abilities rather than your inabilities. Staying focus on your capabilities is an important factor in becoming successful in life. You must remain focus on what you have. N ever look on your limitations . Instead of focusing on the “ have nots ” focus on the things you have and can do. Let what you have work for you.   Every day I use the knowledge I have acquired to maintain success in my purpose. If I was to focus on all the “have nots” in life I would not be writing to encourage you today. I have discovered a greater joy in using what I have to help others instead of focusing on what I do not have or cannot do. I put my trust in God to accomplish my purpose, knowing that with Him there are no limitations. Don’t limit your possibilities of being successful because you don’t think you have anything of value. God has given each of us a gift, it is our ability to influence others. There are no limits to your success when you know your scope of influ...

Meditate on Words that Bring Life.

H ow you think about life results in the quality of life you live. Your thoughts are important, so meditate on words that bring life. In spite of all the obstacles I have faced in my life, one of the things that have kept me going are these words the Lord spoke to me when I was much younger “you have creative power within you, and everything you touch will prosper.” These words have been my guide in my ups and downs. I held on to these words as truth and life. I believe everything God has spoken to me and I know His words will never return void. I choose to meditate on words which bring life.  As a Christian I choose to meditate on the words of God. I also listen to godly-men and woman who are leading successful lives based on biblical principles. I read books and listen to audio messages which fosters positive encouragements and personal developments. I also write my own affirmations and speak positive things over myself at times. Most times than o...

REFLECTION - How do I Succeed in Life?

As I sat reflecting on my life I realized that I have a lot for which to be thankful. While reflecting I began to write down some of the things that have helped me along my life’s journey. Life is full of challenges, nonetheless, they are still not reasons enough not to try and build a worthwhile life. Certainly, there are times when I have search for the meaning of life and what I have to offer. The one think that has remained constant throughout my life as early as my childhood days is my faith in God. My belief that there is a higher power, a supreme being. A creator, one who made the universe and everything therein, it is with this belief I press forward to rise above life challenges. It is my desire to share with you some of the lessons I have learned and continue to learn along journey of life. Follow me on this journey each day and let’s see what more we can learn together. I pray you are empowered and equipped to continue on your life’s journey and become successfu...


                My mom had a way of conveying here wisdom in such a way that would make you laugh and think at the same time.  When things weren't going well or she heard of a problem between two people she would often say; "When you find your head in a lion's mouth take your time and draw it out." What she meant was that a lion is a fierce beast, but when he is sleeping he is harmless as a dove. If you are having problem with someone don't get angry and stir anger in the person because you might not be able to escape the fierceness of his or her wrath. Next time you find yourself in a dispute with someone and feel the need to get angry, remember not to wake the beast. It is best to keep calm and walk away than to wake the lion within the person and get devoured.  Proverbs 15:1 - A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger.