Stay focus on your abilities rather than your inabilities. Staying focus on your capabilities is an important factor in becoming successful in life. You must remain focus on what you have. N ever look on your limitations . Instead of focusing on the “ have nots ” focus on the things you have and can do. Let what you have work for you. Every day I use the knowledge I have acquired to maintain success in my purpose. If I was to focus on all the “have nots” in life I would not be writing to encourage you today. I have discovered a greater joy in using what I have to help others instead of focusing on what I do not have or cannot do. I put my trust in God to accomplish my purpose, knowing that with Him there are no limitations. Don’t limit your possibilities of being successful because you don’t think you have anything of value. God has given each of us a gift, it is our ability to influence others. There are no limits to your success when you know your scope of influ...
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