Hurt and offense can cause you to miss out
on the things that God has in store for you. They can cause you to miss
opportunities in life for growth. A hurting and offended heart closes down and
shut out everything and everyone as a safety mechanism. It shuts others out to
protect itself from more hurt, yet at the same time isolates the person.
Sometimes resulting in separation from God.
Though it is imperative for one to guard
his/her heart you must be careful not to shut out those around you who were
designed to help you on your life’s journey. Bear in mind that there are some
people who can only go thus far with you. In other words, some people are in
your life for a season. You must know what role they play and not carry them
into the next season of your life. Taking
people further than they need to go with you can result in you or the
individual becoming frustrated, angry, and resentful. If someone is out of
place in your life, it will cause more harm than good. Learn to let people go
when it is time. Don’t allow hurt and offense to keep you captive.
Don’t stop producing or dreaming because
you have been hurt. God has a way of using what you have experienced to develop
you. He will use those experiences to build your character. He promises to take
the bad experiences of your life and turn them around for your good. Don’t
dwell on the wrong people have done to you, it will only distract you from what
is important in life. You will find yourself circling the same mountain day
after day, year after year and can’t make a headway into anything
A powerful lesson to learn, what you focus
on the most will bear fruit in your life. If you choose to focus on the hurt
and offense you will keep reproducing a life-cycle of hurt and pain. However,
if you choose to let go of the hurt and offense; dare to dream and trust again
you will experience the life God has designed for you. Your healing will not
occur overnight, nonetheless if you are determined to move forward each step
you take daily will bring you into wholeness.
One person who truly embodies the meaning
of letting go, is Brian Banks. Banks was an aspiring American footballer who
had his eyes set on the NFL (National Football League). That all changed one
afternoon. Banks spent the afternoon with a girl he also had his eyes on. The
next day she accused Banks of rape, at age 17 he was charged of rape and
kidnapping. Though he was innocent of the charges brought against him he was
wrongfully incarcerated and sentenced to ten years in prison. While in prison
Brian learned a valuable lesson. He said; “I may not be able to control what is
going on in my life, but I am in control over how I allow it to affect me and
what I choose to do in response moving forward.” Because of this mind set after
being exonerated in 2012, one year later Brian Banks was able to fulfill his
life’s dream as a NFL player. If Banks had allowed the hurt and pain he felt to
captivate his mind those ten years he spent in prison, though he was exonerated,
he would have been a captive of his past.
Releasing hurt and offense frees you to
live and dream again.
"I may not be able to control what is going on in my life, but I am in control over how I allow it to affect me and what I choose to do in response moving forward." – Brian Banks
God to help you release the hurt you are holding on to so you can move forward
with your life and dream again.
“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,”
Says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6
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