Most times God uses the least expected person to set His plan in motion for your life. Sometimes we get so caught up in our expectation of others that we missed what God is trying to do. You know what I'm talking about, we get angry when the person we expect to show up for us but don't. We get angry when a family member or friend who has the “key” to the door we want to get in still they refuse to open the door. We develop an entitlement complex. Because we believe that they should give us what we want when we want it, and how you want it; without considering whether or not God desires for them to be a part of His plan for us. God does not share His glory with anyone. Therefore, He will not allow anyone to assist you who will try to take His glory; nor will He allow you to see anyone else as God in your life. He alone is God. When He open doors, God wants you and me to recognize that it could only be Him.
Don't allow your frustration with people to cause you to forfeit what God is about to do in your life. Commit your ways to the Lord and He will direct your steps. Each day as you humbly submit your heart to Him, God will open the eyes of your understanding to see the next step for you to take. That’s right, I said the next step, not the “big picture.” God shows us the end results, but not the big picture for it is during those steps that our faith and trust in Him are developed. Our faith becomes the substance of the big picture we hoped for and the evidence of our ability to trust God during the process to take us one step at a time.
Looking at the life of Joseph we can identify the big picture as God showed up in his dreams; his father and brothers would one day bow before him (Genesis chapter 37). Yet God didn't reveal the process or the journey of his life that would result in his family bowing before him (Genesis chapter 42).
Let's be real; if God was to tell us all that we would have to endure in order to see the fullness of His promise manifest in our lives, how many of us would be as bold as the prophet Jeremiah and say “here am I Lord, send me?” (Isaiah 6:8). That's what I thought. We all would rather take the easy road if it will lead us to the promised land. Abraham tried taking the easy road when he and Sarah tried to help speed up the process and took Hagar his maid to be his wife to give him a son, Ishmael. Throughout the Bible, in the pages of history, and even now we see how the nation of Israel has been affected by the consequence of their actions. Well, that's another lesson for another time so let's not get stuck there.
The lesson I want you to learn is this; trusting God and remaining faithful during the process to your "big picture" whatever that is for you is never easy. It requires focus, determination, and undeniable confidence in knowing who God is regardless of what you see happening around you or how you feel. God is not bound to your circumstances or your emotions so you can take one step at a time no matter how foolish it may seem. Remember His promise to you, is to direct your steps. Learn to trust God and not depend on your own understanding, acknowledging Him in all you do so He can direct your steps.
I pray you will develop undeniable confidence in God as you learn His ways. Don't get stuck on people. Keep taking those steps as God leads. One day you will reflect on the journey and see the beautiful picture that God has used your life to paint for His glory.
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