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Dear Friends, 
Have you ever felt like Hannah who was so consumed with the grief of wanting a 
child she risked being accused a drunk in the presence of the Lord because she wanted
His attention,  (1 Samuel: 8-18 ). Or like Gideon who, challenged God by putting a fleece
on the ground and ask “God if it is really You speaking to me prove it, (Judges 6:36-40).
I am sure we all have our moments of grief and doubts, but did we learn how to get God’s
attention like Jacob, who refused to let go until God blessed him, (Genesis 32: 22-32).
From time to time we go through different seasons of life and most often than others we
don’t know how to make that transition from one season to the next. The beginning
of a new year is always a season of transition. Many of us make “New Years” resolutions
only come to realize that we are unable to keep on our own what we vowed. I truly believe 
that it is not God’s desire that any should perish, but because of lack of knowledge we, 
his people are perishing every day. With this new season upon us instead of 
making resolutions, let  us look to Him for answers in how to make the transition from on
season to the next. Today I will share with you a few words of encouragement; “PRESS, 
PUSH and PURSUE" the Presence of  the Lord.

In order to understand the full effect of what I am about to say let me define the words for 

you. The context in which the words are used: PRESS: From the greek word apothlibō
(ä-po-thlē'-bō ) which means to press on all sides, squeeze, press hard . 
Luke 8:45 - And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were
with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press [thee], and sayest thou, Who 
touched me? PUSH: From the Hebrew word nagach (nä·gakh') meaning to push, thrust, 
or gore. Daniel 11:40 - And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: 
and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with 
horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow 
and pass  over. PURSUE: Pursue from the greek word diōkō (dē-ō'-kō ),  metaphorically,
to pursue a) to seek after eagerly, earnestly endeavour to acquire. Matthew 5: 6 - Blessed 
are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Speak Over Yourself
Sometimes we sit around waiting for someone to speak over us and to minister to our

spirit for that which God has given us to come alive. We want others to speak hope to
that which we are carrying. As believers we are containers of God’s presence and we
have the power to speak the word of God over our lives. As one song writer puts it
“speak over yourself, encourage yourself in the Lord,  (Donald Lawrence).” In order to
receive what God has in store for us we need to learn how to press, push and pursue
the presence of God to obtain the anointing necessary to carry us into what God 
wants for us. There are things in our lives which will cause us to give up or become 
comfortable where we are; yet we must determine in spite of what we are going 
through, in spite of the challenges we need to do all  we can to dwell or enter in the
presence of God. I had to learn to push myself beyond what I experienced in the past
and the people of my past to worship God now. You have to determine no matter 
what, I must touch God. There was a time when I couldn’t focus, when I needed to
just be in the presence of the Lord. I became so consumed with people and things
that I allowed the weight of life to weigh me down. There’s only one what to overcome 
and that is to constantly pressing, pushing and pursing God. You have to begin to 
speak over yourself and declare whether or not others recognize the gift God has
given you , you are going to pursue the presence of God.

A Fresh Anointing 
The Bible is filled with examples of men and women who had to press, push and

pursue the presence of God in order to see the promises of God fulfilled in their lives.
Today we can hold on to their stories knowing that God is no respecter of person;
what He has done for them He will do for you. Press, push and pursue the presence
of God. When you stand before God it has to be in the  now. It cannot be in the past.
We cannot continue to meditate on past anointing. We cannot fulfill the purpose of
God for today with yesterday or the last season’s anointing. The anointing of yesterday
or last season was to give you the strength to endure the challenge and struggles 
you faced in that season. Now that you have come through you need a fresh anointing
to be able to deliver that which God has deposited within you through the challenge. 
Therefore, step out of yesterday and press your way into the presence of God. Step
out of yesterday’s anointing and push your way past the memories of yesterday to 
see the manifested presence of God in your life today. Step out of yesterday’s anointing 
and pursue the presence of God for what 
He has in store for you.

The Vision 
The Bible declares without vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). How are we to 

do what God wants of us if we have no vision of what He wants us to do? You must 
have a vision of what God wants to do through you in order to accomplish His plan. 
The only way t see God’s vision for your life is to press, push and pursue His presence. 
When Naomi decided to go back to Bethlehem, Judah from Moab; Ruth her 
daughter-in-law wanted to God with her. Ruth had lost her husband and at that time she
might have thought I cannot see anything for my life. I believer, however, that she caught 
a vision of who God is and what He can do. Ruth had no idea what she would accomplish
in Judah, yet when Naomi tried to discourage her from following her she declared:
“Entreat me not to leave you, or turn back from following after you; for wherever you go,
I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your
God, my God,” Ruth 1:16. Ruth caught a glimpse of the God of Israel and what He could
do. We later learn from the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in Matthew chapter 1 she is
the grand mother of King DavidWhat an end for a young woman from a pagan country who
decide to get a hold of the vision of the God of Israel? Zacchaeus had no idea what Jesus
would do for Him the day he sought to see Jesus. He heard about all Jesus had been 
doing and he wanted to get in His presence for himself. He had to see Jesus even if it 
meant climbing up in a tree. Zacchaeus pressed, pushed and pursued Jesus and when
he couldn’t get pass the crowd he positioned himself in a place where Jesus could
see him. That day Zacchaeus and his house hold received salvation, Luke 19: 1-10. 
Who knew Jesus had plans for a tax collector? Esther didn’t know what king Ahasuerus 
would do when she pushed the door to enter his presence that day. Yet she was willing to 
make the sacrifice to save her people from the enemy. In return God gave her favor with
the king. Esther chapter 5:1-14. Do you need God’s Favor today? What do you need to 
sacrifice in order to press, push and pursue the presence of God to see His vision for 
your life? Remember without vision you will perish. That is why many of us become
frustrated, bitter and angry because we don’t see what God see’s; so we try to be like
those around us who we admire and crave the anointing yet refuse to pay the price
to connect to the vision of God.

The Challenge
From the days of creation until now we have been challenged by the power of darkness

to frustrate us to the point where we forfeit that which God has blessed us with. The
enemy is determined to push us to abort the vision God has given us. When I look on
my life and all the things I have been through and where I was with God sometimes I cry
because I remember what it was like to stand in His presence and how He moved 
through me. I recently spoke with my mentor and expressed to him how I felt about
my life and he encouraged me to claim Isaiah 43:18-19 over my life. It reads; “Do not
remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.” The first couple of week I read this passage of Scripture I
asked God “What is it you are going to do?” Honestly, when I was reading it I could
not see anything promising for my future. I could not see what God had in store for me.
I kept praying, make the crooked places straight before me and shed light into dark
places. I realized then that every time I went before God I saw myself as it was in
the past. That’s when I learned I need to press, push and pursue the presence of
God in order to see myself in the now. There must be something better for me in Judah
( the House of Praise). I must tell you, after the death of my mother I began to question
God, “now that the season of taking care of my mother has ended, what is going to
happen?’ If I am not careful I can become consumed with grief and despair, but I 
understand that in order to know what God is going to do next I must be determine 
to press, push and pursue His presence to receive instruction for the mandate of the 
new season I am about to enter. I must also be obedient to follow the Holy Spirit as He
leads me. I must be willing to speak and do as He will even when no one chooses 
to listen. As we transition from on season to the next we must be careful not to allow
the enemy to trample us. God promises that those who hunger and thirst after 
righteousness shall be filled, Matthew 5:6. Press, push and pursue His presence and 
discover the vision he has for you this season. Remember yesterday’s anointing 
cannot fulfill today’s purpose.



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