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Recognizing a Need for Change

So, you woke up this morning as you have every other morning (by the grace of God) and as you head to the bathroom you glimpse yourself in the dresser mirror, but had to take a step back for another look because you didn’t recognize the person in the mirror. With a daunting look on your face and tears in your eyes, it dawns on you; something has to change. You say to yourself “I can’t keep living my life this way.” 

If you are ready for change or a brand-new start on life but don’t know how? I am giving you three simple steps to take towards the road of change. Let me encourage you today, you are already on your way to making changes. Yes, that’s right; your initial step towards change is identifying a need for change. When you made that conscious decision to examine your current situation and recognize that things can be different, change has begun.

Change the way you think. The first step in bringing change to one’s life is to change the way you think of yourself and how you view your life. You have to change your mindset. Ask yourself this question; “what do I believe about myself?” If you can answer this question honestly then you will be able to identify the things you need to change. Do you believe that you merely exist to live? Or do you believe that you were created by God with a specific purpose to be accomplished here on earth? If a man thinks nothing of himself then his life will worth nothing. A life lived to pursue purpose will always be satisfied. The key is to know who you are. Know that when God created you, you were a master piece. You are an original. You must always see yourself above your circumstances, and above your environment. Don’t allow your surroundings to dictate what you believe about yourself.

What you believe about yourself has more impact on your life than what a million people believe about you. The quality of your life is based on your perception and perspective. If you believe you are “a nobody,” a million people cannot convince you otherwise. If you believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, not even an entire country can tell you different.

Set life goals. As your mindset changes then you will be able to accomplish step two. The second step in accomplishing change is to learn to set life goals. Setting goals, no matter how simple they are serves as a guide to take you from one stage of life to the next. These goals can be personal fitness, personal development, financial, social, or educational. It could be as simple as ensuring you eat at least three servings of healthy meals for the day; or even getting out of bed to get things done around the house. I often say “if you don’t know where you are going, you won’t know when you get there.” No matter the extent, having a plan to guide you through the day will give you a sense of accomplishment and self-worth. Setting goals serves as a guide to keep you on track. It places a visual before you. It guarantees an expected end.

Reward Yourself. Thirdly, to effect change in one's life, you must establish a reward system. On the road to change there has to be an acknowledgement of your efforts. Treat yourself for accomplishing something you never thought possible. This could be anything from relaxing in a warm bath with essential oils to hanging out with friends and celebrate. The point is just to celebrate the new you. Only you can reward you the way you want to be rewarded, so go for it. You might be wondering, what is the importance of a reward system? Simply put “encouragement sweetens labor.” It serves as a means of motivation. When you are motivated to accomplish your goals, you will look forward to what is next.

In essence, your life can change for the better but you must do the work. It might not be a dramatic change but any change in the right direction is progressive growth. God created us to grow and progress in every area of life. Your life can be great if you dear to believe that with God all things are possible. 

“The quality of your life is based on your perception and perspective.”

Take a moment to reflect on your life. Ask yourself these questions:
Am I truly happy with who I am? What do I believe about myself?
If you answer these questions honestly you will identify at least one thing about yourself with which you are not happy, and a false belief about yourself. Why? Because in every person life there is always room for change and growth.


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