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The Ugly Puss

I have had many experiences on my journey of life as a child and today I want to share with you the story of the ugly puss. I was only 10 years old and very proud of myself; I won the prize for knowing the most Bible verse in Sunday school for the year. It was Convention Sunday and the Sunday school president called me to come and collect my prize. I remember there were three gift boxes on the table nicely wrapped in beautiful gift paper. Because I won the first prize I was given the opportunity to choose whichever box I wanted. I thought to myself, let me not think too highly of myself and not take the biggest box. So I grabbed the smallest box. As I picked up the box I recall the pastor saying “you are a smart girl, good things come in small packages.” I was extremely excited when he said that because I knew it had to be something good.  I took my prize and went to my seat. I could hardly wait to run home to open the box.

After church I rushed home, but as eager as I was to see what was in the box I took my time to unwrap the box, instead of ripping off the paper, as if I wanted to preserve the it for later use. When I opened the box, all I could do was scream. It was an ugly black puss with a red tongue sticking out. Its neck was partially ripped and it smelled old. I was so upset and disappointed I took it out the box and threw out in the yard. I cried that day like never before. To make matters worse everyone was laughing.
The lesson I have come to appreciate from this experience is this, as we go through life we will have many ugly puss experiences. The enemy will present things to us in shinny, well wrapped packages that seem hard to resist. Sometimes we ask God for something in particular and when we get it we scream and say “is this really what I asked for?”
God might not having given you the well wrapped package of a job, business, house or spouse for which you have been praying, because He sees what is on the inside that you cannot see. You can only see what is presented before you but God see the ugly puss that is on the inside.
You might be dealing with an ugly puss situation in your life right now and don’t know what to do. God can and will help you. You just need to take that situation to Him and ask for His help. He will give you strength and wisdom to deal with your situation. Don’t allow the ugliness of your situation to keep you from God.
Even though, I received that ugly puss for my prize, it didn’t stop me from going to Sunday school or from continuing to learn more Bible verses.
The Bible tells us in James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Only when you give God a chance to work in your life will He be able to take care of the ugly puss.
Draw near to God today!


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